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tv   Glenn Beck  FOX News  January 19, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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hello, america. tonight, two anniversaries we're about to celebrate. the first, stont the on tonight one-year anniversary of the program. i hope there is cake later on. tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of president obama's first year in office. are you using the sexy lens tonight, because my gosh, i look handsome tonight! i think actually president obama and i in the first year have had the exact opposite experience. he lost 15 pounds and me, um, okay, i might have gained a pound or two. i look like a polar bear human hybrid. and the white house must hate that because they declared war on fox again. that's a distraction from the bigger war about to begin i believe tomorrow if things go the way they look like
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they're going for republicans in massachusetts. the war inside the democratic party. who is fighting who. what is it all about next. ♪ ♪ hello, america. i have to tell you. who would have thought this show would have lasted more than a week. here we are a year later and sometimes the ratings have been huge. i believe it's my molten beauty. we are setting record ratings. i can't thank you enough for watching every night. he's only just begin. there is a lot of work to do. we figured it out but wait until you hear what is coming. barack obama, he's had kind of a tough year. hasn't gone so well for him. he promised he would change
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things, you know, healthcare, ocean levels. the order of the stars or something like that. the only thing he has actually changed is noticed your wallet is a little thinner? i have. we look more like france than america today. because of him, republicans are starting to go where no republicans have gone before. strange places for republicans like new jersey and possibly now massachusetts. they have been voting there all day and the big question -- i can't believe i'm saying this -- remains: who is going to win? well, the other question is who did martha coakley vote for? i mean, you don't think she voted for herself. if she watched herself on tv she'd go i can't even vote for her. would you vote for me if i were here? i don't think. so they had to pull a curtain across a gym because the crowd was too small for her at an elementary school. gym was too big. wow.
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the real question is who will win now? not the election in massachusetts, but the battle for the soul of the democratic party that i predict may begin tomorrow. if you don't know what i'm talking about, it goes back several years. i made a prediction in 2004. this is possibly my longest standing prediction and finally coming through. i wish it wasn't. i saw something one night that absolutely stunned me. it was at the democratic national convention in 2004. the cameras panned around and zoomed up to show a vip box seat. there hef he was. jimmy carter. i don't know why you highlight carter as a past president and democrat. it's like showing "b" roll of gas lines and burning helicopters to most of americans. but maybe it's just me. so there is jimmy carter next to the blob, 20 michael moore.
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in 2004, he had a popular movie out something like "fahrenheit 9-1-1" or something like that. i said this at the time. what are you nuts? you think you are using him. it's the other way around. the far left is using the the democratic party. progressives were lurking like a virus. they were waiting for their chance to suck all of the blood out of the democratic neck. they were looking for opening to effect the system. once they were inside the system, i warned in 2004 the democrats, it will be a battle to the end of your party to get them out. the battle for the soul of the democratic party is about to begin maybe tomorrow. the battle is not about republican and democrats. that's what the president wants you to think. it's the republicans of the party of -- no. this is about progressives. you will learn this tonight.
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you will see it clearly. america is about to find out really honestly if what we've been talking about on the program for the last year is wrong or right. because if we're still dealing with the typical democratic party, or the typical republicans, bad politicians, victory tonight for scott brown would cause the typical bad politician, only caring about themselves and their power to realize hey, wow! what we're doing is suicide. and what would they do? they do what they did in '94 and reverse course. they'd move to the center. if i would believe that we were really only dealing with the bad politicians, if i believe that is the case, that democrats are in power now, do you think i would have made a fool out of myself in the last year and cried on national tv and said i fear for my country? do you think i'm afraid of the democrats?
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nobody seemed to have gotten it. maybe except you. with everybody that watches this show and the elite circles have missed is we're not talking about the run of the mill republicans or democrats. we're not talking about republicans or democrats. they're not the ones putting this country at risk. what we're talking about is an ideological movement that set its sight on the destruction of the constitution and the fundamental transformation of our republic. it's called the progressive movement. it has been using both parties for a long, long time. but mainly the democratic party played host to it. this parasite has been feeding on that host. now, if what i've been saying has been right in the last year, then the progressive hero saul alinsky, he says this: when the times get tough, you step on the accelerator. well, tonight, if coakley
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loses in massachusetts of all places, i say times are tough. let's put this in perspective here. here is ted kennedy, liberal lion. the face of healthcare reform. in massachusetts. now, new england, put up the map. here is the map. i don't know if you can see -- can you see the dots on there? zoom in. see the red dots, those are the ep ras. notice not a lot of republicans. there the republicans are olympia snowe and susan collins, not exactly conservatives. remember a couple of years ago all the talk was about the death of the gop. here we are on the verge of the republicans taking ted kennedy's spot. wow! the alinsky crowd will put the pedal to the metal. the best way to describe republican progressives is
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through the cinematic masterpiece. if i may, this is what they're about to do to the democratic party. i give you "thelma and louise." there they go. hold on. it's harry reid and nancy pelosi. barack obama is in the back. go, girls! girl power! if i can't have you, no one will. when we started the show it was right around, i don't know, the first couple of months in. i did an episode where i described progressives as vampires. it remember it, because i got a lot of heat, because the progressives with fangs. it stand by that today. the progressive movement is sucking the blood out of the republic, but first they're sucking the blood out of the democrats. this is their opportunity to finally win. a goal they started to put together the destruction of the republic at the turn of last century. progressives will do anything
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to win. the play book. lie, cheat, steal. do you really think you can pull the progressives off the neck of the democrat with one election at a ballot box? you have to drive a stake through the heart of this movement. one election will not do it. this will be a long drawn-out battle. there will only be one party standing. the progressive or the democratic party. michael moore, progressive. remember him in the box? he said this. "to the democrats in congress who don't quite get it, i want to offer you a personal pledge. i am and a lot of other people have every intention of removing you from congress in the next election if you stand in the way of healthcare legislation that the people want. that is not a hallow idle threat. we will go to the direction and work against you. you will think you are going to go along because you think you are -- we're going to go along because you're democrats? you should think again.
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we'll find republicans who are smart enough to realize that the majority of americans want universal healthcare. got it? they don't care about the parties. they never have. they will destroy the democratic party because they're not democrats. what did he say at the end? we'll just find a republican. both parties are infected with the virus. how in the world could you find a republican in favor of universal healthcare? i thought they were for small government. no, no, no. john mccain, lindsey graham, they're not republicans. they're progressives. americans have been fighting this battle in the last year. through the tea parties. american americans are really on to the republicans who are really progressives. we know now, i'm not going to trust somebody because they have a "d" or an "r" on their name. i don't trust scott brown yet. i don't really even know him. do you?
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this guy posed naked in "cosmopolitan" magazine in 1982. i mean, really? i question the judgment of any man who thinks anybody in america wants to see the male body naked. we don't exactly look like michelangelo statues. 100% of americans should agree that naked males should never ever be seen. it's not pretty. some of us less pretty than others. the point is we used to rush in and blindly support oh, he's a republican. not anymore. people have been burned. so now we have taken the partisan lens off and it's happening with the democrats as well. it's suddenly like we're looking at the senator palpatine and going she the evil emperor. he goes yes! now at the end. do you understand? the democrats, the republicans, progressives. all right. so tomorrow, the democrats
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who are not extremists or progressives. if brown wins, they'll say we have to triang latulate and mov to the center. they find themselveses in trouble because their own president is not a democrat. he was voted number one most liberal senator in america. but they used the wrong word. he's using the right one now. >> if you are willing to get out the vote for martha coakley, then you won't just win this election, you will carry on the best progressive forward looking values of this proud commonwealth. to my progressive friends and to my republican friends -- i try to emphasize to my more progressive friends. tim and i share a philosophy. pragmatic progressive philosophy. >> glenn: did you notice when he was talking to congress, my republican friends. not my democrat friends. my progressive friends. he doesn't care about the democratic party. he's a progressive. let me give you a quick
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history lesson on how progressives operated when they first surfaced at the beginning of the 20th century. oh, they were very popular then. we had the two-party system, republicans and the democrats, conservative and liberal. liberal at the time meant something different than it means now. liberals then were for the little guy. everything that you think in a stereo typical stuff, the liberals for the little giech guy. conservatives were the fat "ethics guy." republicans and democrat. theodore roosevelt was a conservative republican. got it? wood row wilson was a democrat and liberal. around the turn of the century, they came up with a new idea. it was called progressive. progressive was an umbrella. and it covered both parties. woodrow wilson and theodore roosevelt were both progressives. but then after woodrow wilson, he did exactly the same thing.
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this administration is using the wilson play book. after the wilson administration, people started to see who progressives really were. they brought the federal reserve. the progressive income tax. entry in world war i. prohibition. the league of nations, which was the precursor to the u.n. well, after that series of debacles, they became so unpopular, it was like okay, okay, okay. we have to look at -- they didn't triangulate. no, no, no. what did they do? they slipped back in the shadows. and they changed. they only changed one thing. the progressive label went away. and they just became liberals. they still were embedded in the republicans. but they co-opted the word "liberal." at the time, the word "liberal" meant maximum freedom, limited government. you didn't really need a libertarian because you had the liberals. libertarians, see what they did?
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they coopted this. they embedded themselves in here. and they took the seat away from people who said very small government, because it was kind of big government and really big government. well, after the past 50 years or, so liberal became a bad word. just like progressive did at the early 20th century. they had corrupted the name liberal that nobody wanted to be identified by it. which is why when asked hillary clinton describes herself this way -- >> i prefer the word progressive, which has a real american meaning going back to the progressive era at the beginning of the 20th century. i consider myself a modern progressive. >> glenn: a modern progressive. well, when are the democrats going to stand up and fight? they've been weakened through corruption, healthcare, bribes, they have taken the progressives and they have taken these people right where they want them.
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mess with us, oh, no, no, no. you're going to play ball. if you don't, well, we don't need you anyway. we'll just find another party that will do it. nancy pelosi came out and she said she doesn't care if brown wins or loses. watch this. >> i have confidence about tomorrow, because i'm a grassroots organizer. it doesn't matter what the poll says, it matters who votes and we'll so what happens tomorrow. let's remove all doubt that we will have healthcare one way or another. >> glenn: okay. so, here is nancy pelosi. you hear what she is saying? she's saying she doesn't really care what happens at the polls. one way or another we're going to have healthcare. okay. remember that. she doesn't care at the polls. fcc, they want net neutrality with obama. that's the big push. net neutrality. a way to control voices. the government regulations on the internet is what they want. if they don't get it, they just told the court who said
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i think we're going to rule against you. no big deal. we'll just find another way. the fcc will make the internet a public utility and the white house will get its way. cap and trade, if that doesn't pass, the white house said don't worry. progressives aren't worried. they'll just circumvent the system and find a back door. the epa, m miraculously declares carbon dioxide as a danger and they'll regulate it. this is the system, gang. this is the way the founders put it together. congress, president, courts, equal branches of government and you are on top. look what they've done. with nancy pelosi, she says i don't care what you say. now, we're going to do it anyway. because the progressives want it. then the court system says, yeah, you are not going to get the fcc net neutrality. the fcc says don't worry about it. the progressives want it.
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we'll do it anyway. and then, of course, we have congress and epa. well, they're not going to pass cap and trade. don't worry. the progressives want it. they'll do it anyway. i don't know what they've done to the system. i don't recognize this system. it's almost like what we've been saying here. with a these people want they will get. this is not a democratic republic, gang. this is not what our founders set up. i wonder tonight if the democrats realize they're on the eve of internal civil war with themselves or are they buying the line from obama that it's fox news and gop causing all the problems and all the delays for progress. if you are a democrat and you're struggling with that one, i'm going to give you the answer in the next block. don't miss a second of today's show. let me leave you with this
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thought here. america, if these people are only politicians, they will do what they did in 1994. and they will migrate starting tomorrow right to the center. but if we're right, that these are marxist revolutionaries, that these are progressives who follow mao, they are going to put the foot on the gas. it's not going to be pretty. and they will eat their own. the democrats first. be right back.
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>> glenn: i'm going to call this "the machine." barney frank has just announced if scott brown wins in massachusetts today, oh, that will kill healthcare. i never thought i'd say this before. but barney, you are a smooth-talking cat. you know how to please me. infortunately, i don't believe he's telling the truth and i don't believe he's telling the truth on that one. see, the democrats need to fight phantoms on the healthcare bill. for that matter, any bill right now. i'll show you how the machine works.
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you against the machine. this is the breakdown in the house. 100 senators sand they need to win 51 votes. in the house, 435 house of representatives. got it? representatives. to win they only need 218. the house currently has 178 -- marny, correct me if i'm wrong on these. right? 178 republicans. sorry, that is the senate. 178 and the democrats have 256. 256. let's see. how many republicans do you need to go to the democratic side to pass a bill at 218. you can lose a lot of people. this number is greater than
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218. these people don't even matter. the democrats don't need a single gop vote to get whatever they want in the house passed. in the senate, they've already declared their willingness to use the nuclear option, which is a simple majority of 51 would pass the bill. again, do they need a single republicans? what are the numbers, marty. >> 58 democrats. >> glenn: 58 democrats. 40 republicans. again, 58 greater than 51. there is no effective resistance from the gop to the democratic aien da. none! the republicans can go home. the republicans said they've been shut out of all debate. watch this. >> we should have set up a tent in front and put the persian rugs out in front of
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it. that is the way this has been conducted. >> without input from anyone in an effort to jam it past not only the senate but the american people. >> i don't know what is happening in speaker pelosi's office, i don't know what is happening in senator reid's office. >> the real bill is run behind closed door in the corner of the white house. >> remember the commitment the legislation would be on the line for 72 hours before we would take up legislation? whatever happened to that? >> glenn: i don't know. doesn't matter, does it? nobody is listening to these guys. why? i could erase the republicans. we could take them all outside and send them to the zoo all day long. it doesn't matter. the democrats could pass the legislation. they could do it in the house and the senate. that is why the democrats need the phantom villains. who is resisting them?
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there is no debate. right? except the debate insiinside their own party. inside the 256 democrats and the 58 democrats. you see, debate, debate, that is a needed plan for tyranny. that's something we don't have. debate. they could stop the filibusters and all discussion at all time. that's why they need the 60 vote to shut down debate. remember, the president is the one who i said, you know, he doesn't want a debate. then he said i want people to sit down and shut up because i'm busy mopping up the mess. how many times have you heard the democrats say -- sorry, progressives say the debate is over? what happens when you don't have debate? let me give you something to set progressives on fire. here is a guy -- i'll play
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audio of a guy we'd never, ever, ever, ever in a million years allow to be in the progressive party. >> without debate and without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed. no republic can survive. >> glenn: exactly right! no republic can survive. thank you, john f. kennedy. they don't pay attention to those words anymore because so many of them aren't democrats anymore. the only debate, the only roadblock to progressives in the democratic party right now are the democrats. it's the democrats, the progressives have had to bribe. they bribed who? a republican. no, no. nebraska's ben nelson, a democrat with hundreds of millions of dollars. they bribed mary landrieu from louisiana. a republican, no, no, no. with hundreds of millions of dollars.
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watch. >> i am not going to be defensive about asking for help in this situation. and it's not a $100 million fix. it's a $300 million fix. >> so sexy when she talks that way. here is what you have to watch for. not only is the republic at stake, but you will know the health of it by seeing what happens now. if the democrats lose the fight tomorrow to triangulate and slow down the machine built by the progressiprogressi well, we'll see if they turn the progressive machine against the republic or if they will moderate, regroup and blend back in the background again as they have done so many times before. the lead story on politico this morning was obama was going to start getting tough against his financial adversaries. really? here is the question. who is he going to get tough against?
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who is next? i've shown you that the gop cannot stop the agenda. simple pastels you that. is rush limbaugh the guy who made it happen? am i? is sarah palin? no. i contend the real obstacle to barack obama, one he will never name is you. you made the difference. they can't take you out first. they have to take out people you look to. they will take out people who are so-called leaders and take them out one by one and hope that you learn the lesson to sit down and shut up. we're busy mopping over here. i will show you the pattern and the attack they started in the last 24 hours next. well, where oh where did one year go? i knew glen beck would never work out on the fox news
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channel. i was wrong. >> beck, they gave me ten seconds to say happy anniversary to you. happy anniversary to you. is that ten seconds? >> glenn, congratulations on your first year at fox news channel. i want to say, you know, i hope if you really keep working at it, maybe your ratings will get up there. >> happy anniversary to you. i enjoyed coming the hour before you. i look at myself as i don't know your opening act, you zz top without the beard. >> can't wait to see what the next year brings. >> i know you're struggling and nobody is watching yet. give yourself some time. it took jay leno a while to get his audience tracking. >> my god. one year, i can't believe it. >> you made things interesting at fox news channel. >> this is fabulous! >> you have taken a conversation, brought it in the living rooms of everybody in the land. >> i no know you are trying to get traction and ratings. keep at it. eventually you'll succeed. >> really shook up the world. keep it going.
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>> we're all jealous. we all hate you. >> two things like, number one is licorice and number two is hosting the show when you're out. when you think of who is hosting the show with the napolitano, bowling. napolitano, bowling. >> i'd like to host a couple more times. >> glenn, it's been a privilege to be on your show since you got to fox. congratulations and best of luck going forward. >> you're the best lead-in we could ask for. >> in sincerity, happy anniversary, my man. >> happy one year, glenn. >> many, many more years together. >> congratulations, glenn. >> from all of us in washington, happy anniversary. >> congratulations. hats off to you. continued success. >> thank you for being a voice of truth and a voice of courage, not just for fox news, but for america. or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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i'm p patti ann browne. 11,000 troops are assisting with the haitian relief effort. robert gates says the task of policing the country is handled by the united nations forces. the u.s. military is focussing on getting aid to survivors. heavy voter turn-out in massachusetts for a crucial senate race, that special election to fill the seat held for decades by the late senator ted kennedy. the polls close in less than three hours. regardless of the outcome of that race, house speaker pelosi says the healthcare bill is still on course for passage in congress. glenn beck returns in a moment on the show's one-year anniversary on fox news. congratulations. but first, a preview of special report from bret baier in boston.
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hi, bret. >> coming up live from boston, the special election here could literally determine the fate of the president's agenda. democrats plan to push it win or lose but the republicans say the message is sent. more on "special report." but right now back to the anniversary boy. >> glenn: i would have never expected this a year ago. americans are continuing to wake up. even in massachusetts. the progressives are becoming more and more desperate. look at what the progressives are now saying. i mean they have unloaded every bullet they have in the last 24 hours. john kerry called the crowd's gathering for republican scott brown dangerous and out of control. the new white house communication directions dan
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pfeiffer, this is his phone now, he picked up with where anita dunn left off attacking fox news. he said this -- >> fox is not a traditional news organization. they have a point of view. that point of view the network. bill o'reilly and the newscast during the day. we don't feel the obligation to treat them like we'd treat cnn or abc or a traditional news organization. >> glenn: oh, good. if you won't treat us like we do nbc i won't have to take a shower every time you leave the building. the most reason analytical discourse has to come from msnbc non-biased observer mr. shakespearean actor himself, keith olbermann. >> we have an irresponsibility, homophobic, reactionary ex-new model, tea bagging supporter of violence against women and politicians with who he disagrees. >> glenn: wow!
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what a list that is. he loaded every bullet in the gun and shot it. good thing the progressives are tolerant of other point of view. if they weren't, i'm afraid it could get really ugly. the good news, one, americans aren't buying into it anymore. not even in massachusetts. home of the kennedies. ted kennedy held the seat 40 years. two, nobody cares. we have already been called every bad name in the book. you know what, america? you're still standing. i have news for you. a year ago when i started the show i wanted to figure out a way on, a way to make you understand you weren't alone. do you see the poster behind me? if you are a new viewer, i'll explain the poster is made out of faces, viewers of the show. i asked people early on to send in pictures of your face to prove that you weren't alone and you can make a
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mosa mosaic, a beautiful picture. i don't have to do that anymore. you know you're not alone. in fact, you're in the majority. in massachusetts, more than half the voters, 51% are not affiliated with a political party. they think they both stink on ice. nationwide, conservatives make up 40% of the population. wow! why do you feel alone? liberals, 21%. ramussen poll testing a three-way generic ballot, shows voters not affiliated with either party, 33% prefer tea party. 25% prefer the democrats. 12% prefer the gop. i don't know if you know that this but the tea party don't have actual candidates. you're not alone. you are the majority. a year ago, you didn't know that. wow! notice the difference a year makes. the best news is you are growing in numbers and growing in power.
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as you will possibly, possibly see in to massachusetts tonight. you may not. it ain't over. until the fat lady sings. this is one fat lady. because of this program, we have been trying to focus on the progressive play book for the past year. because of this program, a lot of us learned a lot. i told you this is the time would come and they'd be desperate and do anything and also become dangerous to the republic. they would start with with insulting your intelligence and every last sensibility that you had. but i also told you if you just do the right thing because it's the right thing, don't pay attention to party, but do the common sense right thing and vote for the person. don't let the make calling distract you, we'd be able to get to the real problems. that as americans, we as
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americans can any problem we face. the americans aren't raciracist not home phobes or violent -- home phobes or violent to politicians. americans do one thing great. they pull together and solve problems. as far as i'm concerned, the two parties, really, sinkholes could open up in california and both the republicans and democrats could be sucked into it and self-destruct, save the erepublic. god bless america. we have real problems that we now have to address. i tried to get ahold of a guy for three or four years. he wouldn't speak to me, because i was a small fish at the time and he also couldn't speak openly because he didn't want to talk to the press because he didn't feel it was appropriate. now he feels at liberty do that. he has been ringing a bell for quite some time.
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he will tell you the problems we should be talking about we'd stop talking about the politicians. i don't know about the party but it's time for the adults to step in and save the republic. he will join us next. @=hç
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>> glenn: david walker. if you have never heard of him, former comptroller general of the united states. author of "come back america: turning the country around
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and restoring fiscal responsibility." i tried to talk to you when you were in office for years. you are a non-partisan guy, in the bush administration, spending money like crazy and we're still doing it. let me show you the debt clock real quick. this is 20% of it. the $12 trillion is not something that bothers you. it bothers you -->> it's not the problem. the off balance sheet obligation that are multiple times greater. >> glenn: how long do we have before we're in trouble. >> we have less than five years to demonstrate to china and other foreign lenders we're going to get our act together. frankly, president obama needs to step up in 2010. >> glenn: if we don't do it? >> we could have higher interest rate with a significance effect on the economy, jobs, cost of capital and variety of things. >> glenn: it spirals out of control. >> much worse than in 2008 and 2009. >> glenn: okay. so i was pleased to hear, the new book "come back america," and so pleased to hear your solution or one of them is
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the solution i lined out on the radio show today. it's this. explain. >> we have a gerrymandered system which entrenches incumbents and polarizes our political system, where the legislatures in the different state draw district districts t sure they have 98% re-election. >> glenn: this is not what our founders had in mind at all. >> absolutely not. we have a republic not representative of the public. >> these people may be different but it's a good thing. it moderates congress, correct? >> correct. there are two states that don't allow the legislature unliteral compressicompression. which is good. >> glenn: which states? >> iowa and arizona. >> glenn: term limits and gerrymandering. can it be done? >> it will take term limits.
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we need campaign finance reform, too. >> glenn: do you think we c can -- i mean we need a serious group of people to say we have problems. open up the hood. let's go to work>> republic is at risk. wetch policy reform, political reforms and it's in the book. >> glenn: oscar, zoom in on his lapel. i want to show you. explain what this is. i asked what it is. >> american revolution. >> glenn: that means? >> we're here to honor those who fought for our freedom and to make this country separate republic. i fight to make sure it stays that way. >> glenn: someone in your family fought in the revolution. >> a number fought and some died. >> glenn: your turn this time. >> i'm not giving up. >> thank you very much. appreciate it. back in a second.
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>> glenn: i have to thank my producers for program. i just happen to be in front of the camera. a lot of people are amazing behind the scenes. thank you. >> glenn, get hon west the american people. reveal who the true brilliance is behind the crazy blackboards. me. happy anniversary. it's been a great year!
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>> this past year i got my masters from beck university. i'm going back this year for my ph.d. and i'm excited. can't wait. >> what do i take away from this year, glenn, mao! the book you gave us. and common sense, too. it's ban great year. happy anniversary. hey, glenn, i learned so much this year. i can't wait for what is in store for 2010. >> happy anniversary. it's been an amazing ride, 2009. i wish you all the best for 2010. >> personally i learn the importance of questioning with boldness, holding to the truth and speaking without fear. no matter what you may think, there are never enough blackboards. we'll do it again in 2010. >> happy anniversary. i got you the doughnuts. george washington's recipe. >> happy tenth anniversary at the fox news channel. what? just a year? really? >> congratulations, glenn. what an amazing year. >> happy anniversary. >> congrats on your first year at fox.
5:55 pm
that is really long time to be on television. a year already? [ laughter ] >> glenn: what a year it's been. >> move along here. >> sorry. >> happy anniversary. >> happy anniversary. >> great being along for the ride. >> congratulations on your success. >> a year with fox is a big feat. >> congratulations, glenn. >> congratulations on your one-year anniversary and your fourth shinaversary. >> this may not be the best time to ask, but can i get a raise? >> when can we talk about my fat cat bonus? >> can i have a raise, too? a year, i can't believe it. >> happy anniversary. happy returns. >> happy anniversary on your one year at fox. >> i want to wish you happy anniversary from the girl that gets him going in his day. >> i never know what to expect what to expect when i come in and wonderful show.
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>> wonderful year. >> happy anniversary. >> we are so happy that you are here! we love you! go back to sleep america.
5:57 pm
the oil crisis is over. i don't think so. our economy is bleeding billions for foreign oil... importing nearly 70% - much of it from countries that don't like us. that's billions we should use to create american jobs. we have plenty of american natural gas, to power our trucks and bus fleets. it's cheaper, cleaner, abundant, and it's ours. we've had our wake up call. it's time to act.
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5:59 pm
one year of our anniversary and i'm headed out for dinner. bill o'reilly is taking me to dinner. it wonder if i'm going to get lucky. either that or i could end up in the east river. one way -- they brought cake! i see cake. i see the cake. >> happy anniversary, glenn! >> look! what is this -- okay. i don't think this is


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